Well, I'm engaged. Yay me! And so begins using this blog as a way to voice my worries, concerns, and other random ramblings associated with planning a wedding. I'm sorry to my imaginary friends. I had originally started this blog just to ramble. Now, I seem to have a purpose for it. Crap.
I'll start by telling you, my imaginary friends (or IFs for short) how it happened. I wasn't expecting it. Not at all. I thought I had just gotten the boyfriend to agree to move in together at some point this year. I considered that a major victory and maybe in 6 months or a year I could start hinting at my true feelings, that I want to marry him. Never doubt that; I want to marry him and come home to him every day and share everything with him. I realized that he was the one I was willing to and wanting to spend the rest of my life with a while ago. Ok, now I'm rambling again...
So how it happened...It was New Years Day...not Eve. We had spent NYE hanging out at his house, he had just gotten back from visiting his parents and was tired. We just watched TV and took mini-naps until we decided we were hungry and grabbed some pizza before heading to a friend's little get together. It was a great time. On new years day, we decided to have a nice meal together, since we didn't get to spend Christmas together and pizza on NYE was silly. We grabbed a lobster (we could only find one) some oysters, champagne, a very nice fillet of cod and spinach. We love to cook, so we made the lobster and fried a few of the oysters of questionable quality and had that along with the good raw oysters for an app. Later we baked the cod with a mustard and panko bread crumb combo we enjoy and served that with spinach and couscous. I popped the champagne (one of my favorite things to do) and we had a very filling meal. After we were cuddling on the couch, with a fire going in the fireplace and listening to the radio. He moved to the floor, going on one or both knees, grabbed something out of the drawer in the end table and handed me a little box. I thought it was earrings. (He hadn't given me my Christmas present yet). It was a very beautiful ring (that boy has really nice taste in jewelry). He said 'I think we should get married' (he does not have a way with words). I said yes and then asked 'really?' about a hundred times. I didn't believe it. I was shocked into crying. Not the deep breath can't breathe crying but the eyes just leaking type of crying.
It was great. I don't remember what was playing on the radio. He does...the end of Styx's 'Come sail away.' How romantic, but since we were listening to Alice Cooper's radio show, it could of been worse and it is a fun song to sing along too.
So there my IFs...is the beginning of this little journey. I'll be back with other rambles and useless words later. TTFN
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