I am not a mom, but this past weekend my boyfriend managed, with one simple act, to turn my purse into a 'mom purse.'
We all know what a mom purse is. It's the most real world application to a bag of holding we may ever see. How our moms and our friends who are moms got that much...stuff...into a purse was always a mystery and why...
After babysitting for many years, I now know why; because you never know. You never know when you are going to need a swimmie diaper in the dead of winter. You never know when you are going to need six extra sets of keys. You never know when you will need those double A batteries. You just never know.
My best friend is always prepared. I have used that swimmie diaper in the dead of winter. To tire out an active toddler at the hotel in our neighborhood. In fact, the purse was prepared and I wasn't; I had to run back to my apartment and get my swimsuit, but the kid and purse were prepared. And those double A batteries, are really handy when a new toy is purchased or given as a gift and those big eyes look up at you and ask you to 'fix it'. My best friend is a great mom with great kids, who know that in their mom's purse is everything they may need to survive (sippy cups and granola bars, along with the iphone that has their favorite games)
My mom had all these keys. I still don't know what they are for. She says she does, but sometimes I think she just guesses. She does have fingernail clippers, business cards of businesses in another city (car shops, jewelers, furniture stores, etc.), gum and a small screwdriver set. She would always clean her purse out after a long trip (usually once a month). I would watch as all the garbage that had accumulated, from my sister and I (sorry mom), was tossed. Then I would watch her put everything back in after some thought of 'do I really need this.' The answer would usually be 'yes' and soon everything was neatly packed away. Neat and tidy until the next time my sister or I needed those fingernail clippers, or the screwdriver set to tighten the screws on our glasses.
Back to this past weekend. We were going out for an afternoon play and then dinner afterward. I wasn't even carrying a very big purse. Just large enough for my little change purse I use as a wallet, my phone, my T pass (subway card), and a bottle of water. Yes, I was carrying a bottle of water, it was hot and muggy out and I can get cranky if I don't have anything to drink. We got to the play and they had food. Yay! After munching on this afternoon snack, he turned my cute little stylish purse into the mom purse. He took the extra napkins and put them in my purse. There was room, but really? He didn't want to throw them away and since we were on a bench and not at a table, just leaving them there was not an option in his mind. So throughout the play and dinner afterward (playbill now in purse as well), I had a mini-stack of napkins in my purse. I laughed and joked with him about what he did, but frankly if he does this again...I'm gonna need a bigger purse.